
I’m Ivette. A web developer in the midst of relocating to Durham, North Carolina. My path to web development has not been straight and narrow. I’ve had some great opportunities along the way, but my passion for technology was awakened when working for a ed-tech startup, I realized I was working alongside the people who made things happen, the development team. I was jealous, but mostly really upset with myself for changing my original major, computer science as a freshman.

Not going to lie, I may have dwelled in that for a little while, but then I decided to do something about it. I was going to learn to code. Along my journey, I was incredibly fortunate to be one of the recipients of the Code for Change Scholarships at General Assembly. It wasn’t easy, but I forced out of my comfort zone, and have learned so much for it. After graduating, I got involved with Girls Who Code and had the privilage to teach a class of 14-year olds in Harlem.

As I continue to grow as a developer, I wanted to share my experiences with other newbies in both English and Spanish. I realize I have a lot to learn, and I’m super excited to keep on jumping in as I transition fron NYC to NC!